
We use a system called askmyGP which is an easy and fast way to ask for any kind of help from the practice.

  • Available during opening hours from 6:00am until 3:00pm Monday to Friday. Please note, we may have to switch Askmygp off earlier if we have reached maximum capacity for the day. Reaching maximum capacity means the clinicians have received the maximum number of requests they can deal with in a safe and timely manner. If Askmygp has been switched off early it will be re-open again the following working day at 6:00am, any urgent requests which cannot wait until then should be made via telephone.
  • We will usually get back to your requests within 24 – 48 hours depending upon the urgency of your request
  • You can request a particular doctor or nurse (so long as they’re working)
  • You can choose to be contacted by the surgery by telephone, secure message or video call
  • If we need to see you we will usually give you a face-to-face or video appointment the same day
  • Video consultations are provided by our own doctors through a secure link to your mobile, tablet or laptop for no extra charge
  • You can register for askmyGP now, without any paperwork

If you prefer to phone, one of our receptionists will take a few details about your problem or request and then pass these to the GP. However you choose to get in touch, your GP will get contact you quickly and either sort out your problem on the phone, by secure message, or arrange to see you the same day, or another day if that’s more convenient.

Please note you can no longer book a GP appointment using our previous online appointment system.

askmyGP is available to all our patients, and you can use it to ask about your children or other people you care for (if they are registered with us).

That’s it – simple and straightforward!

We are encouraging everyone who has access to a computer, smart phone or tablet to use askmyGP:

  • it saves you time
  • really ill patients don’t have to wait for urgent slots at the end of surgeries
  • GPs can manage their time more effectively, booking any follow-up appointments you might need and,
  • it stops the 8am rush for appointments as you can contact the practice at any time, and up to 5pm get a response, and be seen if needed the same day!

Appointment reminders: We have an SMS text reminder service to remind patients of their appointment details. If you would like to be included, please let the receptionist know your mobile number.

Cancellations: if you are unable to attend your appointment, please call Primrose Surgery on 0161 747 2424 or respond to your text message appointment reminder. This enables the appointment slot to benefit another patient.

Chaperones: if you feel you would like a chaperone to be present during a physical examination, or if you would prefer to be examined by a doctor or health professional of the same gender as yourself, please let us know.